




About Twyg!



Your go-to platform for seamless product exploration and insights!


Effortlessly search and uncover a world of products while tapping into the collective wisdom of what others are discussing about them.


And yes, we make shopping easy too!




Community insights

Engage with discussions, read reviews, and discover the collective opinions on products

We take discovery to the next level by providing you with a window into the community’s conversations surrounding these products. Curate your preferences, read reviews, engage with discussions, and gain valuable insights into what people are saying. Whether it’s uncovering hidden features, learning about real-life experiences, or simply finding out what’s hot on the market, our app makes it easy to stay informed and make informed decisions.




Effortless product search

Find what you’re looking for swiftly and efficiently 


With our intuitive design, navigating through a vast
array of products becomes a breeze. When you’re on the hunt for the latest and
greatest trending products, our app streamlines the search process, putting the
information you need right at your fingertips.




Personalized experience

Tailor your preferences for a more curated and relevant exploration journey 


You can personalize your feeds by following other users with similar interests and engage with the community by liking and commenting on posts. Your time is important and you get to decide what you want.




Comprehensive product details

Get all the necessary information about a product before making a purchase decision 


Items in our catalog are curated to provide just the right amount of information without boring you with unnecessary details. And should you need to dig deeper, you can always do that via our ‘Shop Now’ links.



Earn through affiliate programs

Share reviews and recommendations on your favorite products; earn through affiliate programs 


Our platform lets you not only share your reviews and recommendations about products thereby benefiting the community, it rewards you by allowing you to earn through affiliate programs. You can create posts about items in our catalog or for external items. To monetize your sharing efforts, just provide the product link containing your affiliate code while creating a post. E.g. when sharing an item from, provide the URL containing your Amazon Associates code. 

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